Greener Lent is a Lenten program that started in the Diocese of Raleigh and has since expanded to several churches throughout the US. Greener Lent’s mission is to prepare participants' hearts for Easter by helping participants turn away from selfishness and sin and toward a life of greater virtue. Greener Lent’s focus is on prayer, fasting and giving to the poor through the lens of the ecological crisis and Laudato Sí. It is available in English and Spanish. There are ready to use posters, social media art, bulletin announcements, flyers, and a rollout guide so the program can be implemented with only a few hours of time. Most parishes begin their Greener Lent rollouts in January.
If you are interested in exploring Greener Lent for your parish or just want to know more:
Rosemary Herhold
Deacon Josh Klickman, Coordinator for Human Life and Dignity, Diocese of Raleigh