Are you interested in starting a Care for Creation Team in your parish? One way to do this is to create a Laudato Sí Circle. According to the Laudato Sí Movement, “Laudato Si’ Circles are small groups of people who are committed to the process of ecological conversion and deepening their relationship with God as Creator and with all members of creation. LS Circles gather regularly for prayer, reflection, and action in compassionate love and concern for our common home.” Resources to help you start and build a successful group are available from the Laudato Sí Movement website to get you started. One successful Laudato Sí Circle, The Holy Name of Jesus Laudato Sí Circle, is lead by Monica Kleimeyer, The Holy Name of Jesus Laudato Sí Circle. HNOJ Laudato Si’ Circle meets the second Wednesday of every month by Zoom from 7-8pm.
What is Laudato Si’ (LS)? It is many things. It is addressed to “every person living on this planet” (LS 3)
Laudato Si’ means ‘Praise be to You’ and comes from St. Francis of Assisi’s prayer ‘ Canticle of Creatures’. Pope Francis was intentional in naming his 2015 *encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ – Care for Our Common Home’ with this Canticle in mind. This encyclical was also a call to action, which is producing many fruits, among all people on this planet.
Currently we are being called to have “a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet” (LS 14) over the next seven years. This dialogue is to center around seven goals listed in the encyclical: Hear the Cry of the Earth, Hear the Cry of the Poor, Ecological Economics, Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles, Ecological Education, Ecological Spirituality and Community Engagement with Participatory Action. To this end, Pope Francis addressed 40 faith leaders in Oct. 2021, to follow him and their congregations on this ecological journey.
Lay people of all faiths are answering the call by developing many groups and activities. The HNOJ LS Circle is one such group. All are welcome to come as we Pray for, Reflect on and Act for our common home. Each meeting is centered around one of the seven goals listed above. Email: for more information or to be added to our group.
May we as brothers and sisters proclaim, “God created everything with intrinsic goodness.” (LS 65, 69) *An encyclical is a pastoral letter addressed by the pope to the whole Church
For more information or to be a part of the Holy Name of Jesus Laudato Sí Circle, which is open to all people of good will:
socialconcern@hnojnc.orgIf you are interested in starting a Laudato Si' Circle in your parish or would like to join The Holy Name of Jesus Laudato Si Circle, you can contact Monica Kleimeyer to find out more: